Sunday, April 12, 2009

Cassie And Her New CUT!!!

Here is a quote that I picked up from a less credible website...doubt it came from Cassie like they claimed but I felt what it was saying being that I too feel this way and eventually will take that leap into creative faith....

"Sometimes in life, you need a change. Something deeper than what you thought you were capable of. Something that displays the “I don’t give a fuck” attitude that was always present but never showcased. Something that makes you look at this whole wide world differently. And something that will shock your mother, but will make her call you a ROCKSTAR. Yea I did..."

I feel the look in certain ways tho...not to say I hate it...just at certain angles it's cool and at certain angles it's not...if she cut the rest ofher hair short I would LOVE IT!!! LOL always had a place in my heart for little Cassie!!

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